Recovery From Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an operation that can change lives. From reconstruction to renewed confidence, the possibilities of how this procedure could help individuals are endless. However, the process is not painless. There is much to know about breast augmentation recovery. Depending on how much the breast tissue was stretched, there may be a minor or major amount of pain involved. A normal recovery happens in phases, though each individual will heal on their own timeline.

Phase One 

Immediately following surgery, patients will be on pain killers to ease the pain. Most people will need to be out of work for at least a week, avoid lifting anything over a few pounds, and get help around the house. Even small movements will likely be a challenge, so caregivers should plan on intervening a large amount. This is largely due to stitches or staples which will be holding the skin together until it heals. After about a week, staples should be removed or stitches resolved, which will greatly improve how patients feel overall. Patients are required to wear a bra at all times until they are fully healed, and this is especially crucial in phase one. Recovery support bras hold everything where it should be so that nothing moves or is damaged. Compliance is crucial. 

Phase Two

In the weeks following surgery, it is important that patients begin to ease back into their normal lives. Exercise should start slow. Recovering patients may begin by walking when they feel strong enough, and then after some time, they may add a very slight amount of weight. After four to six weeks, patients may be able to get back into their normal routines, though they may require a slight variation to compensate for any discomfort they feel. During this phase, patients should eat nutritious meals with plenty of fluids to build up their strength. 

Phase Three

After approximately two months, patients will likely be able to resume full activity. Around eight weeks out is when their doctor will likely want to check up with them to make sure that the implants have healed fully. The only thing left to do is enjoy the look of their new body.

In conclusion, though recovery is painful at times, people get breast augmentations because the results are worth it. If you are interested in getting breast augmentation surgery, talk to your doctor or plastic surgeon. Investing in yourself is important, and you will thank yourself for it. 
