Breast Reconstruction Cosmetic Procedures Can Be The Answer To Your Health Needs

Plastic surgery offers practical benefits for patients who wish to make changes in their appearance following breast cancer surgery. This type of surgery goes beyond just making you look more attractive. In fact, the benefits can be much greater than you may realize. Having breast reconstruction surgery during or after your cancer surgery uplifts your spirits and makes you feel more attractive. You're now at the point where you're feeling anxious and depressed because your clothes might not fit because of a difference in the size of both breasts. Breast reconstruction cosmetic procedures can be the answer to your needs.

Resolving This Issue

When you resolve a physical imperfection via a cosmetic procedure, you create a normal appearance that rewards you with more self-confidence and by all means a better quality of life. Stress, depression, and anxiety become things of the past. You will gain satisfying benefits when you undergo breast reconstruction surgery.

When to Have Breast Reduction Surgery

If you've been scheduled for mastectomy surgery, you can begin the breast reconstruction process during mastectomy surgery or after the mastectomy operation. You may want to discuss reconstruction timing with your surgeon ahead of the mastectomy procedure. There are factors that might pop up during cancer surgery if the surgeon discovers that further cancer treatment is indicated right after the mastectomy. Sometimes during mastectomy surgery, the surgeon discovers that cancer cells have spread to other nearby organs. Depending on the status of your cancer, you might need immediate radiation following your mastectomy or lumpectomy. 

Removing cancer cells become a priority. Your need for further cancer surgery would override a scheduled breast reconstruction during surgery at that point. Other observations might suggest that your physical and emotional health would probably not be able to tolerate breast reconstruction surgery at this time.

Meeting With Your Surgeon and Oncologist

Rest assured that both your surgeon and oncologist will make themselves available to meet with you before your cancer surgery to ensure you that your preference for breast reconstruction timing rests on the agreement that you choose. They want you to be comfortable about your timing decision. They want you to achieve the outcome you desire as well. Just remember that changes may occur during cancer surgery.

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reconstruction?

Insurance companies are expected to offer coverage for breast reconstruction. So yes these companies will provide you with reconstruction breast surgery coverage to a certain degree. In the realm of insurance companies, your coverage might only provide a small part of the sum total fees. Call your insurance company to learn what type of coverage they offer for your breast reconstruction surgery.

