How To Take Care Of Yourself After A Facelift

Facelift surgeries have been used to treat the signs of aging such as wrinkles, sagging skin, and nasolabial folds. The facelift surgery can restore the appearance of the skin by removing excess layers and redraping skin along your face and neck. The recovery from surgery can be less difficult than assumed, but it is still important to know what can happen after surgery.

Immediately After The Surgery

After the facelift surgery, you should be able to go home after the anaesthesia wears out. There is little care that needs to be done at the facility where the surgery was performed. After light help for the first 24 to 48 hours, the patient should be able to move freely with no pain or discomfort. However, be prepared for some minor discomfort. Most surgeons advise some bed rest for the first few days after surgery. Keep your head elevated for up to three days. If you don't keep your head elevated, you might create unevenness and recovery will take longer. Expect some bruising and swelling immediately after surgery. Over-the-counter pain medications will help with discomfort. 


The plastic surgeon will make incisions in the area near the temples and continue down to the back of the ears. Within the incisions, they cut extra skin off and the surgeon tightens the underlying tissues. You must keep the incisions out of direct sunlight while they are healing. There are creams and balms available to you if you need any special care for the incisions. Additionally, if you notice any signs of infection like swelling, pus, or soreness, you should contact your doctor.

Maintaining Your Results

Facelift results should be visible many years after your surgery. As long as you keep a healthy diet and exercise routine plus follow all the recovery guidelines, your facelift should last. The quickest way to set back your progress is not protecting your skin from the sun. The best way to prevent this is to use a high-SPF sunscreen and to wear a hat to help cover your face.

Facelifts can improve the most distinct signs of aging on the face. You may feel swelling and numbness of the surface around the incision area during facelift surgery recovery, and that is normal. It can settle within weeks. Some small pain is to be expected as the face heals, and that is controllable with medicine. Most patients see that outcomes after healing meet their expectations.

For more information on your cosmetic surgery options, contact a cosmetic surgeon.
